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8 Players

8 cones, 2 Colors

Field size depends on age, ability and the challenge set for players.

2 balls in action, have spares ready for progression and misplaced passes.

Stage 1 - Blue team pass clockwise and the red team pass counterclockwise around the square.

Progression: change direction

Stage 2 - Two touch but allow players to make up their own combinations.

Stage 3 - Same as stage 1 but two balls in action for each team.

Stage 4 - L-shape passing

Possible teaching topics: Technique of pass, Weight of pass, Decision making, Vision and Awareness, Communication

Coaching Points:

1.   Get your feet set early, facing your target.

2.   Pick your head up and check your target one last time before striking the ball.

3.   Call for the pass so that the passer can find you more easily.

Players Required: