1v1, Two Goals
1v1, Two Goals

Field 20 yards long, with large goals on each end line. In center set up a grid of 2 x 7 yards. Two teams on each side of this grid. Coach with balls on side of the defenders. The attacker stands in the center of the grid and receives a pass from the coach. The defender starts when the coach passes the ball to the attacker. The attacker can score on one of the two goals. When in the box, the attacker can change direction. Outside of the box the attacker must go to the goal. Together with the goalkeeper, the defender tries to stop the attacker from scoring.
Improve the ability to score goals in a 1v1 situation with the goalkeeper.
Two large goal, balls, cones, pinnies.
Coaching Points:
Make speed, dribble with laces or outside foot and look over the ball when dribbling or use peripheral vision.
Cut in front of the defender.
Make the right decision; shoot or around the goalie?
When there is space behind the goalkeeper, go round the goalkeeper.
When close to the goal and goalkeeper; shoot hard and high, pass the ball through the legs of the goalkeeper, or chip the ball when the goalkeeper goes down.
Shoot the ball hard in the far corner when coming from the side and there is some distance between the goalie and attacker.
Quickly close down the attacker and force the attacker to the outside.
Win the ball back at the right moment.
Don't make a foul.
Work together with the goalkeeper and turn the 1v1 into a 2v1 (defender plus goalkeeper vs attacker).
Get into the correct position in front of the goal and in the correct stance.
Deal with the shot or 1v1 situation properly.
Work together with the defender to turn the 1v1 into a 2v1.
When working with players in the younger age groups, or when a team has no designated goalkeepers yet, rotate players in as goalkeepers.
Each player keeps track of amount of goals scored. Who scored the most goals in a certain amount of minutes?