1v1 with Defender on Line
1v1 with Defender on Line

Set up two cones 6 yards apart about 20 yards from the goal. One defender between the two cones, rest of players 10 yards from the defender. The attacker dribbles to the defender, tries to beat the defender with a 1v1 move and score. The defender can only move to left and right on the imaginary line between the two cones, not forward or backwards. The attacker becomes the defender when he/she loses the ball to the defender. The defender can now attack.
Improve the ability to beat an opponent in a 1v1 situation and score goals.
Large goal, balls, cones.
Coaching Points:
Make speed, dribble with laces or outside foot.
Look over the ball when dribbling or use peripheral vision.
When you get closer to the defender, keep the ball closer to your foot
Make your move at the right moment. Not too far away or too close to the defender.
Explode after the move and score with a shot or 1v1 with the goalkeeper.
Controlled finish.
Stand low in the knees, elbows bent.
Move feet quickly with little steps to left and right.
Win the ball back at the right moment.
Get into the correct position in front of the goal and in the correct stance.
Deal with the shot or 1v1 situation properly. Use hands.
After making a save, quickly distribute the ball to the teammate. Take advantage of the transition moment.
When working with players in the younger age groups, or when a team has no designated goalkeepers yet, rotate players in as goalkeepers.
Each player keeps track of amount of goals scored. Who scored the most goals in a certain amount of minutes?