Ajax Triangle 2
Ajax Triangle 2

Players Required:4-6
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Set up a diamond shape, but only use three of the cones for the triangle. Three players at the starting cones, one or two at other cones. Players follow their pass.
Player 1 passes to Player 2. Player 2 bounces the ball back to Player 1. Player 1 passes up to Player 3. Player 3 dribbles the ball back.
See Ajax Triangle 3 and 4
Focus Points:
Pass with the correct speed to the correct foot.
Bounce with the correct speed to the correct foot.
Pass the ball correctly into the run of the player. Make it a leading pass.
Timing of runs and passes.
Receive with the correct foot.
Open up.
Check away / into the ball.
Concentration, focus.
Communication. Verbal and non-verbal.