4v4 With Four Corner Goals
4v4 With Four Corner Goals

Area of 30 x 20.
Equipment: Balls, cones, pinnies, small goals.
Two teams play 4v4 with 4 small counter goals in corners. The teams use a diamond shape. All restarts are taken by dribbling the ball in. Defender must step 5 yards back with restarts.
Coaching Points:
Attacking: Build Up
Transition: Attacking to Defending; Quick reaction after losing the ball.
Defending: Pressure / Cover / Balance principles, 1v1 Defending, staying compact
Transition: Defending to Attacking: Explode and quick first pass in transition.
Passing and Receiving
Moves and Dribbling
Team Shape
Movement to keep ball possession
Switching the field after recognizing that it is buddy on one side.
Defending: staying compact and moving with the ball.
Recognizing the moment of pressure, winning the ball.