Touch and Grow
Touch and Grow

Play a game with every player limited to a maximum of 2 touches. The game itself might be a 4 goal game, an end zone game, a game with GKs or not, regardless of the game the only condition is playing 2 touch.
When a team scores they then win a touch so can now play 3 touch maximum. Score again and they are on 4 touch maximum, etc. Winning an extra touch motivates the players to invest in teamwork, communication, scanning and decision making.
A fun way to deliver this game is to tell the players we are playing this game until a team achieves 6 touches, once a team gets to 6 they then work their way back down to 2, so they loose a touch with each goal, but the first team to get back to 2 touches wins the game. A good fun enviornment to get the players focusing on decision making and moving the ball quickly.
Progress with an all in game.