Passing, First Touch & Movement
Passing, First Touch & Movement

To receive passes with a focus on the direction of first touch.
• Players in groups of three. • One player plays centrally, with his two team mates playing outside the grid on opposite sides. • Each group has one ball each.
• Central player receives the ball from outside player and passes it in turn to other outside team mate. • If the central player receives in the inner grid, his first touch must take him outside. • If the central player receives outside the inner grid, his first touch must take him inside it. • Rotate players around every 90 seconds.
1. As central player receives from one outside player, the third team mate must move to find a different space on the outside of the grid. Focus on central player opening his body and tracking the movement of outside players. 2. Outside players continue to move into free spaces. Central player receives, plays a ‘wall pass’ with a different color, then looks to find his team mate on the outside.
• Can players’ first touch take you into space? • Can receiving players open their body to track the movement of outside players? • Can outside players be lively and make it difficult for their team mates to track their movement? • Can you play with two touches, or at times play off just one touch?
How many times can you control the ball and pass successfully using two touches?
Outside players may physically hide behind players so their team mates cannot find them – even jokingly. Monitor how this may impact the flow of the exercise.
1. Pass and receive with intelligent first touch.
2. Be aware of the movements of your teammates.
3. Play with an open body shape and be able to play in all directions.