First Touch Skills Series
First Touch Skills Series

Players Required:1
Balls Required:1
Goals Required:0
The First Touch Series is a simple, yet highly effective series that helps players work on their first touch skills. This series can be utilized by a whole team or a small group with two players passing to each other, or an individual can perform this series by passing against a wall by themselves. The 6 part series is demonstrated by 10 Year MLS Veteran Bobby Burling. The exercise can be modified by making the passes shorter or longer.
Set up 4 cones in a square, like shown in the video. The First Touch Skills Series Exercises are:
- Receiving Ball With Inside Of Foot: players work to control their first touch inside the cones with the inside of their foot. Then they pass back to their teammate or against a wall.
- Receiving Ball With Outside Of Foot: players work to control their first touch inside the cones with the outside of their foot. Then they pass back to their teammate or against a wall.
- Inside Trap And Play: adjust the cones so they are a little tigher than the first two exercises. In this version, trap the ball outside of the cones with the inside part of your foot and play the ball through the cones back to your teammate (or against a wall).
- Outside Trap And Play: trap the ball with the outside of your foot a play the ball through the cones to your partner (or a wall).
- Inside Trap And Outside Play: trap the ball with the inside of your foot and quickly play the ball with the outside of your foot. As you improve, increase speed.
- Trap Roll And Play: practice trapping, rolling the ball and quickly playing the ball back to your partner (or a wall).
Coaching Points:
- Good body position: head up, knee bend, hips open and be ready to receive ball.