Tempo 2v2 to Goal
Tempo 2v2 to Goal

Players Required:10-12
Balls Required:2
Goals Required:2

Set Up:
- Make a 35 x 35 yard grid with large goals on the end lines.
- Each goal has a goalkeeper.
- Attackers start on the two cones on the halfway line, one defender starts at the cone in each half.
- Play starts when the coach plays a ball to one of the attackers.
- Attackers can score in either goal.
- If the defenders win the ball, they can work together to make 4 passes in a row, which will count as a goal.
- Rotate the next four players in upon completion.
Coaching Points:
1. Attack at speed before the 2nd defender can recover.
2. Look for 2v1 combinations versus the 1st defender.
3. If both defenders get behind the ball, attack the other goal.
1. Progress to 3v3.