U10 Practice Session - Dribbling with Parts of the Feet
U10 Practice Session - Dribbling with Parts of the Feet

This practice plan includes drill that allow players to work on dribbling with an emphasis on using different parts of their foot to control the ball. The practice includes the following structure:
- 3 vs 3 Small Sided Game (10 minutes)
- Gatekeepers (15 minutes)
- Direct 2 vs 1's (15 minutes)
- 5 vs 5 Scrimmage (15 minutes)
End of Practice Discussion
Bring your players in for the last five minutes of practice and recap your session using open-ended questions.
- When should we use little touches vs. big touches? (little touches in tight spaces and big touches in space so we can build up speed faster).
- How can the dribbling of the person with the ball open space for their teammate?
- When the teammate gets the ball, where would their first touch go? (towards goal!).
30 x 20 3v3 Small Sided Game
Set Up:
Create two 30x20yd fields with a 2yd goal on each endline. Divide players into four teams and play 3v3. Play two-minute games, and rotate teams after every game to play a new one. Encourage the teams to keep score, and try to beat each team they play.
Coaching Points:
None. Let the players play and make mistakes. Only intervene if it is taking them too long to get ball back in play.

Gatekeepers - Soccer Dribbling Activity
Set Up:
- Set up small gates around the grid, facing in a variety of directions.
- Every player starts with a ball, except for the two gatekeepers.
- Players have 45 seconds to dribble through as many gates as they can. All players keep track of their own score.
- The gatekeepers stand in the middle of a gate, making it 'closed.' Gatekeepers must switch to a different gate every five seconds. After 45 seconds, stop game and ask each player for their score. Their goal is to beat their own scores in the next game.
Coaching Points:
1. Players need to take close, tight touches when dribbling through a gate, then run with the ball to get to the next gate.
2. Players need to look up as they dribble so they know which gates are closed.
3. Be able to use both feet and different surfaces of the foot in order to change direction.
1. If a gatekeeper steals your ball, you become a gatekeeper. Last player still dribbling wins.

Direct 2v1's
Set Up:
The two teams split their players into two lines, starting in the corners of the field, just outside of the small goals.
The defending team starts with the balls. The game starts with the defender passing the ball across the field to either attacker.
Play begins with the first touch and continues 2v1 to the small goals. If the defending player wins the ball, they can score by dribbling over the opposite end line.
If the ball goes out of bounds, play is over and the next three players come on.
The teams switch roles after 10 balls. A running score is kept to determine the winner.
Coaching Points:
1. The defender should curve his run to the ball to force play in one direction.
2. Trapping an attacker on the sidelines turns the 2v1 into a 1v1.
3. The first attacker should force the defender to commit to the ball before passing off.
1. Progress to 2v2 and then 3v2.

35 x 25 5v5 Scrimmage
Set Up:
Play 5v5. If your numbers are short, decrease size of field to 30x20 and play 4v4.
Cones for goals are 5yds wide and use goalkeepers.
Coaching Points:
None. Just sit back and let them play. Help remind them of the rules for their age group: offside, thrown-ins, goalkicks and corners. Place a few cones down to divide the field into thirds to mark the ‘Build-out Line,’ and show them what they need to do when the GK has the ball.