The Network - Athletic Movements Soccer Drill
The Network - Athletic Movements Soccer Drill

Set Up:
Place 5 cones, and 5 pennies on ground spread out around grid.
Start without a ball. Coach gives the players a task to complete which they try to get as many points as they can:
a) touch hand to cones/pennies. b) touch foot to cones/pennies c) two-footed jump over cones/pennies d) Make up new combinations. Think of gross motor movements, and make more complicated with each progression.
Coaching Points:
Introduce different types of turns using different surfaces of the feet: Inside/outside/bottom
Encourage little touches when dribbling up to a cone, and then larger touches after they pass it to get quickly to the next one.
Use peripheral vision while dribbling to see where you want to go next.
Every player has a ball. Players have to dribble to a cone/pennie, touch with their foot, and then turn to go the other way for a point. Demonstrate different turns and have players perform one type at a cone, and then another type around the pennies etc. Players get points for each cone/pennie they turn at around. Make up different variations to get points.