Minions - Soccer Activity for Kids
Minions - Soccer Activity for Kids

Set Up:
One player has a ball, and all the others do not.
Object is for player to hit other players below the knee with their ball. If a player gets hit, they have to get another ball and join as a minion.
Play until there is one player left. Start a new game with the winner being the new minion.
If a player is hit above the knees, it doesn’t count.
If players aren’t being hit fast enough, make grid smaller, or add a coach minion into the game.
Coaching Points:
Coaching Points
To be accurate, show players how to use the inside of their foot to strike the ball.
Stress timing of pass. Can you pass into the space where the person is running into?
Use peripheral vision while dribbling to see where you want to go next.
Can players dribble the ball to better set up their next pass?