U8 Practice Plan - Pressuring Defender
U8 Practice Plan - Pressuring Defender

This practice focuses on defending. Work with player on how and when to pressure when playing defense. This is a 1 hour practice session and the outline is as follows:
- 20 x 10 2 vs 2 small sided game (10 minutes)
- Get your own ball (15 minutes)
- 1 vs 1 to single goal (15 minutes)
- 31 x 20 4 vs 4 scrimmage (15 minutes)
End of Practice Discussion
- What is the role of the pressuring defender? (the slow down the attack so teammate can get back to help).
- When should the pressuring defender try and tackle the ball? (when the attacker makes a bad touch).
- How quickly should the pressuring defender approach the attacker? (Quick! However, we want to slow down with quick choppier step as we get closer so we don’t run by them!)
- How can a defender make play predictable? (by angling body to try and force attacker one way or the other).
20 x 10 2v2 - Small Sided Soccer Game
Set Up:
Make fields of 20 x 10 yards. Place small goals on each endline.
The players go 2 v 2 on the field. On balls put out of play, use a throw-in or kick-in to get ball back in (coach's choice).
After a goal is scored, play is restarted with a goal kick
Coaching Points:
- None. Let the players play and make mistakes. Only intervene if it is taking too long to get ball back in play.

Get Your Own Ball
Set Up:
- Ten players are set up inside the square, three players start WITHOUT a ball.
- The players without a ball try to steal a ball from an attacker. When an attacker loses their ball, they become a defender.
- Balls kicked out of the circle remain with the attacker.
- Play for 45 seconds and stop. The three players who don’t have a ball at the end have a goofy activity to do. Examples: donkey kicks, star jumps, etc
Coaching Points:
- Patience as defender: Try and stay with an attacker and wait for them to take a poor touch before attempting a tackle.
- Tackling technique: Don’t stab at ball. Step in along side of the ball and get weight behind your tackle.

1v1 To Single Goal
Set Up:
Set up the game as shown with all the balls with the line behind the goal.
The game starts with a pass from the first person in the defending line to the first person in the attacking line.
The attacker tries to score on the small goal. If defender wins the ball, they try to dribble over attacker’s endline for a point.
If the ball goes out of bounds or a goal is scored, the game is over and next two players start. Players switch lines after each turn.
As soon as ball goes out, the next two have to be ready to play. Get game moving fast.
Coaching Points:
The pressuring defender needs to approach with speed, but then slow down as they get closer so attacker isn’t able to run by them.
Try to make play predictable by forcing the defender one way or the other.
Don’t dive in. An attacker will eventually make a mistake, so just keep in between him and the goal. Wait for the attacker to take a bad touch.

31 x 20 4v4 Scrimmage
Set Up:
Remove the endzones in the previous game, and add two 3 yard goals on each end (field is now 31x20yds)
Let players play 4v4, coach decides how restarts happen, depending on local rules
Coaching Points:
None. Just let them play. However, get excited when you see a player try a try a dribbling move or attempts to get a defender off balance.
Always highlight positives you see, but don’t stop play and don’t correct their decision making. This is their time to play how they want.