U6 Practice - Big Touches vs Little Touches
U6 Practice - Big Touches vs Little Touches

Practice Notes
Practice Outline
- 20 x 10 2 v. 2 Small Sided Game (10 minutes)
- Body Part Dribble (15 minutes)
- Freeze Tag (15 minutes)
- 31 x 20 4 vs. 4 Scimmage (15 minutes)
End of Practice Questions
- Bring your players in for the last five minutes of practice and recap your session using open-ended questions.
- When should we use little touches vs. big touches? (little touches in tight spaces and big touches in space so we can build up speed faster).
- What should we do with our head/eyes when dribbling? (use peripheral vision so we can see what’s around us, while still seeing the ball at the same time).
- Have a team cheer, and see everyone at the game!
20 x 10 2v2 - Small Sided Soccer Game

Set Up:
Make fields of 20 x 10 yards. Place small goals on each endline.
The players go 2 v 2 on the field. On balls put out of play, use a throw-in or kick-in to get ball back in (coach's choice).
After a goal is scored, play is restarted with a goal kick
Coaching Points:
- None. Let the players play and make mistakes. Only intervene if it is taking too long to get ball back in play.
Body Part Dribble

Set Up:
- Place several gates around the inside of grid, that are about a yard wide.
- All of the players start with a ball and dribble through gates in order to score a goal. They have 30 seconds to get as many goals as they can.
- When the Coach calls out a body part (ex: "knee!"), the players have to stop the ball by using that body part.
- After all of the balls have stopped, ask the players what their goal scoring total is.
- Progress to the coach just touching a body part and see which players can stop the quickest using that body part.
Coaching Points:
- Encourage kids to use peripheral vision while dribbling.
- Make small, quick touches on the ball so that you can control it as you change direction.
- Praise players who can stop quickly by keeping their ball close.
Freeze Tag

Set Up:
- Every player has a ball inside of the grid. The coach(es) are it and try to tag the players who must keep control of their ball. If a player gets tagged, they have to touch the ball with the bottom of their foot (alternating) six times before they can start playing again. Play for 30-45 seconds, make a coaching point, and then restart game. Play many rounds. If a player dribbles their ball out of bounds, they have to perform the special activity as if they got tagged.
Progression: Change activity that a player has to do when they get tagged.
Coaching Points:
- Encourage players to take little touches when the tagger is close (so they can change direction quicker), and bigger touches to get away from the tagger.
- Compliment players that are using their peripheral vision to dribble.
31 x 20 4v4 Scrimmage

Set Up:
Remove the endzones in the previous game, and add two 3 yard goals on each end (field is now 31x20yds)
Let players play 4v4, coach decides how restarts happen, depending on local rules
Coaching Points:
None. Just let them play. However, get excited when you see a player try a try a dribbling move or attempts to get a defender off balance.
Always highlight positives you see, but don’t stop play and don’t correct their decision making. This is their time to play how they want.