Deception - U12 Practice Plan
Deception - U12 Practice Plan

Practice Notes
This practice plan gives players lots of opportunities to work on using deception when working on moves. This practice is designed for a 1 hour session, the outline is as follows:
- 30 x 20 3vs 3 (10 minutes)
- Tight Spaces (10 minutes)
- 1 vs. 1's to Goal (10 minutes)
- Multiple Goals (15 minutes)
- 7 vs. 7 Scimmage (15 minutes)
End of Practice Discussion
- Bring your team together and ask some open ended questions about the practice.
- Why is it important to sell our move to the opponent? (so they will get off balance).
- Where should we take our first touch after beating an opponent? (behind them, so it’s more difficult for them to get back in front of us).
- What can we do with our body when performing a dribbling move to sell it better? (get your body into it! The more you emphasize and exaggerate the movement, the more likely it is too work!)
- Have a couple players show the group what some of the dribbling moves you learned today look like. Ask them if they have any questions, and ask them to practice their dribbling moves and juggling at home.
Have a team cheer and see everyone on game day!
30 x 20 3v3 Small Sided Game

Set Up:
Create two 30x20yd fields with a 2yd goal on each endline. Divide players into four teams and play 3v3. Play two-minute games, and rotate teams after every game to play a new one. Encourage the teams to keep score, and try to beat each team they play.
Coaching Points:
None. Let the players play and make mistakes. Only intervene if it is taking them too long to get ball back in play.
Tight Spaces

Set Up:
Players are placed in pairs at the cones around grid. Each pair has one ball between them. The first person in the pair goes first and dribbles on the jog through grid in the center. Once in the middle they perform a dribbling move and try not to bump into anyone or their ball. Once out of the center grid, they pass to the player on the opposite side who repeats the task.
Add different dribbling moves to beat an opponent: Scissors, Matthews, Feint etc. Teach each move and use this as a no pressure environment to try each move.
Repeat. Encourage players to try different dribbling moves, and going both directions.
Coaching Points:
Emphasize deception with all moves. Get your body into the move to sell it.
Be specific about the techniques you are teaching.
Encourage tight, close touches when a player is in the center grid so they can change direction quickly.
15 x 10 yd 1v1's to Goal

Set Up:
Players are 1v1 on the small field, looking to score by passing the ball thru the gate to a teammate. When a goal is scored, the attacker keepss the ball and attacks the same defender in the other direction. Players behind the gate go on and off, depending on which team is attacking. If the ball is put out of play, the team in possession gets to attack. Teams must have players ready to come on and off at both ends.
Coaching Points:
1. Change speed and direction with your dribbling move.
2. Accelerate past the defender after your dribbling move.
3. Cut in front of the defender after you beat him to shield the ball from him.
1. Progress to 2v1's to Goal.
Multiple Goals - Dribbling Game

Set Up:
Inside your grid, place a number of 4-yard goals around the area. Every defender should have a goal to defend.
Divide players into two teams. Every defender acts a as a goalkeeper, but may not use his hands. Every attacker has a ball, and they dribble around the area, trying to score by dribbling thru the small goals. Goals cannot be scored by passing thru a goal.
Players cannot score in the same goal twice in a row.
Every attacking player keeps track of their score, and the teams switch roles after two minutes. Highest goal total wins.
Coaching Points:
Deception. Sell the move.
7v7 Scrimmage

Set Up:
- Play 7v7. If your numbers are short, decrease size of field to 40x25 and play 6v6.
- Cones for goals are 6yds wide and use goalkeepers.
Coaching Points:
- None. Just sit back and let them play. Play full rules for your age group: offside, thrown-ins, goalkicks and corners etc.
- If you see deception, get excited even if the move doesn’t work. Give them the thumbs-up and tell them you want them to try it again. The more you encourage the attempt instead of the result, the more often your players will be willing to take risks in a game.