U6 Practice Session - Dribbling
U6 Practice Session - Dribbling

Practice Notes
The emphasis of this U6 practice session is ball control. The practice starts with a fun warm up game and ends with a fun warm up game that will allow the players to use their dribbling skills in a fun way. The outline for the practice is as follows:
- Musical Soccer Balls - 10 minutes
- Toe Taps Inside the Box - 10 minutes
- Changing Direction - 10 minutes
- Watch Out for Your Partner - 10 minutes
- Disc Dribbling - 10 minutes
- Brittish Bulldog - 10 minutes
Musical Soccer Balls

It is important to add some fun soccer drills into your routine, especially drills for the younger kids. Here is a soccer drill that keeps things fun but also works on reaction, agility, quickness, and speed. This animation uses 6 players but you can use anywhere from 3 or more. Place the soccer balls in the middle of the circle and make sure you have one less soccer ball than you have players. The players start on the outside of the circle and they are not allowed to go into the circle until the whistle blows. On the whistle, the players can sprint to the soccer balls. Because there is one less soccer ball, one player will be left without a ball. The player without the ball is then removed from the game. Every round you will need to remove one soccer ball.
This is intended to be a fun warm up to get the young players excited and energetic for practice.
Toe Taps in Box

Set Up:
Two players start in each corner of the box and each player has a ball. On the whistle, the first player from each line will dribble the ball up to the cones, tap the top of the ball with their feet ten times, and then dribble back to their corner. Once they get back to their line the other player takes their turn. The drill is continuous so keep the players moving until the second whistle. Players should always maintain good ball control and work on quick toe taps as they it becomes easier.
Changing Direction

Set Up:
This drill focuses on dribbling in tight spaces and quickly changing directions. Setup 4 cones about 15 yards apart. Each player will dribble around the space avoiding the other players. Every 8-10 seconds the coach needs to blow his/her whistle and the players will change direction and accelerate for 2 touches. Players need to keep their heads up and maintain control of the ball and avoid other players.
This drill is used to get the players the feel of using the sole of their foot to do pull-backs every time the whistle blows.
Watch Out For Your Partner

Set Up:
Two players will start opposite of each other with a large cone in between them. Each player has a ball. Once the whistle blows, the players will dribble up to the cone and look up to find each other. One player will be the leader in the drill and decide which direction they will will take around the cone. Players should get as close as possible to the cone before making their dribbling moves to go around.
In this drill you can teach the players how to use the instep of their foot to dribble the ball around the cone. They have to be aware and react to their partner so they do not go to the same side of the cone. You can also have them use the outside of their foot depending on their skill level.
Disc Dribbling

Set Up:
To set up, spread the discs out in a random way in close proximity to each other. In repetitions lasting 30 seconds, have the player dribble the ball in and out of the discs. Try to not touch any of the discs. Make sure to stay in control the entire time and switch directions often.
Now the players are encouraged to use pull-backs and the dribbling skills from the previous drill to navigate through the discs and obstacles you set out.
British Bulldog

Set Up:
The attacking players start on the end line with a ball. Two defenders (the Bulldogs) start inside of the central zone and may not leave the zone during play. The attackers try to dribble across the field and thru the central zone while the bulldogs try to kick their ball away. Once out of the central zone, attackers jog to the other end line and turn around. Anyone who has had their ball kicked out becomes another bulldog. The last attacker remaining in the game wins.