1v1 Line Soccer Tournament
1v1 Line Soccer Tournament

Area: 24y x 12y.
Create an area with multiple grids of 12y x 8y to play a series of 1v1 games at the same time. Games last 60 to 90 seconds. A goal is scored when the attacker dribbles over the endline, between the cones. The attacker must have full control over the ball. When the ball goes out of bounds, dribble the ball back in. After each game, the players find another opponent. Everyone plays against each other at least one time. Keep track of the wins. 30 points for a win, 10 points for a tie, zero points for a loss. One point for each goal scored.
Focus Points:
1v1 attacking; dribbling and 1v1 moves.
1v1 defending.
Transition; explode after winning the ball, defend immediately after losing the ball.
Mentality: work hard all 90 seconds.