Pyramid Follow and Shoot
Pyramid Follow and Shoot

Set Up:
Four cones are set up in a diamond outside of the penalty area, with the cone closest to goal placed right on the 18. Player 1 starts the drill with a pass to Player 2 or Player 3. Player 1 then follows his pass to the next cone. The player receiving (Player 3 in the diagram) passes up to Player 4 and follows his pass. Player 4 turns around the cone and finishes on goal. Player 4 then rotates to the top of the drill (Player 1's line). During the drill, players should hurry to the next spot and run back to the first line after shooting so that the drill will move quickly. Since the GKs will get one shot after the other, they should switch out every 3-5 shots.
1. Player 4 has the option to shoot or to pass back to Player 2 or 3 for a first time finish on goal.