Passing/Agility Circuit
Passing/Agility Circuit

Set up three cones in a triangle, with a speed ladder in the center of the field.
The players move the ball around the triangle of cones, performing passing combinations at each cone. After passing the ball back to the start, the player who passed the ball runs through the agility ladder on his way back to the start line. In the diagram, Player 1 combines with Player 2 on a double pass/wall pass, sending Player 2 around the cone. After Player 2 controls the ball, he performs the same comibination with Player 3 to send him around his cone. After Player 3 controls, he makes the last pass to Player 4 to start the next sequence. After passing, Player 3 runs through the agility ladder, as Players 1 and 2 run to the next cone.
Focus Points:
One touch passing.
Passing to the correct foot.
Eliminating extra touches.