Continuous Wall Passes
Continuous Wall Passes

Set Up:
Four cones are placed in a square about 15 yards apart. Player 1 begins the drill with a pass to Player 2. Player 2 then passes to Player 3 and follows the pass to apply passive pressure. Player 3 makes a square pass to Player 4 and runs into the center. Player 4 passes to Player 3, who plays the ball back out to Player 5. Player 5 makes a square pass to Player 1, then switches places with Player 3. So the sequence of passes is in, out, square. In, out, square. Whenever the ball is passed out of the center, those two players switch places while the others stay in place. After several repetitions, the player who receives the ball in the middle should switch directions.
Coaching Points:
1. All players should pass in the same one and two touch rhythm.
2. Put your pass on the correct foot of the receiver. Make it easy for him to make the next pass.
3. Look up for your target just before you strike your pass.
1. One touch passes only.