Ball Mastery
Ball Mastery

Area: 10y x 10y. The size of grid also depends on the goal of the activity, the age group and the skill level of the players. Players dribble around with a ball in the grid. They must always dribble faster than walking speed. The coach stands outside the grid and calls out a 1v1 move, ball mastery or turn. The players quickly perform this skill. As an active rest moment, have the players juggle the ball. The coach can go over skills the players already know and add one or two new ball mastery skills.
Instead of the coach, a player calls out the ball mastery skill, 1v1 move or turn. Add other commands, such as Take Over, Speed Dribble, and so forth. Be creative. Use different balls: size 2 or 3, tennis balls, plastic balls and so forth.
Focus Points:
Dribbling skills. Keep the ball close and under control.
Turning skills.
1v1 moves.
Ball Mastery Skills.
Players should look to dribble into space and not bunch up.
Don't run into each other.