1v1 Chase
1v1 Chase

Area: 12y x 7y
Set up a narrow field with two small goals facing the opposite way, so that the attacker has to go around the small goals in order to score. The attacker can score on either small goal. The coach starts each turn with a 50-50 played out from the end line. For the first couple of minutes, the coach can pass the ball a little bit to the left or to the right, to give one player a slight advantage. After each turn, players switch lines. After several turns, players then match up against a different opponent.
The player who scores the most goals wins.
Make two teams, the team scoring the most goals wins.
Focus Points:
-After winning the ball, shield it by staying between the ball and the defender.
-Keep contact with the defender so that you can make a better decision of which goal to attack.
-Keep your head up and see both goals.
-Change speed and direction with the dribble.
-Stay close to the attacker and put pressure on him. Keep his head down.
-Try to get in between the attacker and the ball when he cuts towards goal.
-Stay between the ball and the goal when the attacker faces goal.
Transition Defending to Attacking:
-Try to score as quickly as possible after winning the ball.
Transition Attacking to Defending:
-Quickly pressure the ball after losing it and try to win it back within 5 seconds.