Pass, Dribble, Shoot, Goalkeeper 2
Pass, Dribble, Shoot, Goalkeeper 2

Players Required:10-16
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Area: 20y x 20y, Set up a larger goal and two rows of four large cones about 12 yards from the goal. Players with balls next to the goal. The activity starts with a player taking a couple touches forward and passing the ball to the attacker. The attacker receives the ball and dribbles through the cones and shoots at the goal. The shooter becomes the goalkeeper. To have the players go quicker, set a time limit. You must score within 10 seconds, for example.
Players keep track of the number of goals they score.
Make two teams and keep track of the score.
Focus Points:
Dribbling technique.
Shooting technique.
Attackers must keep the field wide.