Turn Right, Turn Left
Turn Right, Turn Left

Set up a 10-15 yard box with a large cone in the center. A diamond of small cones is placed around the large cone.
Four players start at the small cones without a ball. A fifth player (Player 1) starts at any of the small cones with a ball. Player 1 dribbles into the center and around the large cone, turning to face Player 2. Player 1 passes to Player 2 and takes his place at the small cone. Player 2 then dribbles onto the field and repeats the pattern. Play continues clockwise or counterclockwise, changing directions with the coach's call. When waiting at the cone for a pass, the players circle the cone, always facing the ball.
Focus Points:
1st touch
Close control of the dribble
Sharp change of direction at the large cone
Speed of the dribbling run