Pass and Aim
Pass and Aim

Players Required:8-12
Balls Required:Many
Goals Required:Four, Small

Area: 30y x 15y
Set up a narrow field with 4 small goals in the corners. Place a shooting line eight yards from the end lines. Two players start in the center. The players in the center check away and into the ball, receive a pass, turn and score quickly into one of the two goals. They must shoot the ball before the eight-yard line. After the shot, the passers move to the center.
- Add defenders to make it 1v1 in the center. Start off with light resistance of the defender.
- Instead of small goals, use large goals with goalkeepers.
Players keep track of their individual score. Create two teams and keep track of score.
Focus Points:
Passing and receiving skills.
Checking away and into the ball.
Turning with the ball, opening up.
Scoring with pass or shot. Accuracy.
1v1 sills, attacking and defending.