3v1, Keep Away
3v1, Keep Away

Area: 10y x 10y. The size of the area can vary, depending on the goal of the activity, the age group or the skill level of the group. If the activity is too easy for the attackers, make the grid smaller. If the activity is too easy for the defenders, make the grid larger.
Three players pass the ball to each other and try to keep ball possession. One defender tries to intercept the ball and dribble out of the grid.
When the defender succeeds and dribbles the ball out of the grid, the attacker who lost the ball becomes the new defender.
The attackers can win the ball back before the defender dribbles out of the grid and continue to play on ball possession.
Game: Who can have the most interceptions in two minutes?
Focus Points:
- Attackers keeping ball possession.
- The defender attacking and wining the ball back at the right moment and getting out of the grid asap.
- Keep the field as large as possible.
- Movement after passing the ball. Get open right away.
- Pass with the correct speed to the correct foot.
- Receive with the correct foot to be able to quickly move the ball to the open player.
- After losing the ball, win it back as quickly as possible. Reaction. Before the defender dribbles out of the grid.
- Be active and put pressure on the ball.
- Attack the ball at the right moment; when the opponent gives a bad pass, the receiver takes a bad touch, the ball goes through the air, or the receiver of the ball is standing in a corner.
- Don't run around without purpose.
- After winning the ball, explode and dribble quickly over the sideline.
Play 4v1 or 4v1, one touch