Dribble, Shoot, Goalkeeper, #2
Dribble, Shoot, Goalkeeper, #2

Area: 20y x 10Y
Set up a field of 20Y x 10Y with large goals on either side with goalkeepers. The size of the field depends on the age group, the goal of the activity and the skill level of the players.
Two groups of players start next to each goal.
Two players from each side quickly dribble halfway the field and shoot at the goal. The next player starts as soon as the goalkeeper is ready.
When working with younger age groups (U8, U10, U12), the shooter becomes the next goalkeeper.
Focus Points
Dribbling technique.
1v1 moves.
Shooting technique.
Passing technique.
Goalkeeper: For younger age groups make sure that the goalkeepers use their hands.
Players must make 1v1 move before shooting.
Players pass ball forward, run after it and must shoot with their second touch. Players must put the perfect weight on the ball, so they shoot from halfway the field.
The two players pass the ball to each other over the ground or through the air, receive the ball, dribble and shoot.
Players must use both feet, for dribbling and shooting. Shoot at one goal with the right foot, at other goal with the left foot.
Game: Who scores the most goals, individually? Who score the most goals as a team? Which goalkeeper makes the most saves?