Jumping + Speed - Football Exercise
Jumping + Speed - Football Exercise

Players Required:1
Balls Required:
Goals Required:
Set Up:
Players start at the end of the ladder. Set up a cone line to one side of the ladder, three yards away.
Part One – Move up the ladder by taking two steps in, two steps out, and then two steps back in. Follow that by jumping out and back past the cone line.
Part Two – Same side-to-side pattern to move up that ladder, but instead of jumping out, run a circle around each cone before returning to the ladder.
Part Three - Same side-to-side pattern to move up the ladder, but now go over and back of the cone with two footed jumps.
Focus Points:
Part One – Pause after landing the big jump
Part Two – Small, quick steps around the cones.
Part Three – Very high knees on the two footed hops.