Triangle Passing Drill
Triangle Passing Drill

Set Up:
Two players are set up inside of the grid, working within the triangle of cones. During the drill, Player 1 serves the ball to Player 2 as he moves around the triangle. Player 2 performs the technique and makes return passes to Player 1. The pattern of play varies throughout the drill (see Progressions), and the players switch places every 30-60 seconds.
Coaching Points:
1. The receiver should make eye contact with the passer and call for every pass.
2. Strike the top half of the ball to keep it on the ground.
3. Get into the path of the ball as quickly as possible and get your feet set.
1. Double Pass, run around next cone.
2. Receive between cones, dribble around the next cone.
3 Run around cone, touch it back.