Shoot Two, #1
Shoot Two, #1

Set Up:
Ten players are set up on a small field, starting at the cones. The attacker begins the drill by making a horizontal run across the field, and the Feeder plays the ball in from the end line for him to finish. After shooting, the attacker turns towards the other goal to finish a second ball from the Feeder on the opposite end line. The next attacker begins his turn right after the second shot, and the four attackers continue to run back and forth across the grid, receiving and finishing. After five minutes, the attackers switch out with the Feeders.
Coaching Points:
1. After receiving, pick your head up and watch the goalkeeper’s approach.
2. With first time shots, approach the ball at an angle as opposed to straight on.
3. Receive the pass in the center so that you can shoot at all four corners of the goal.
1. Air ball service.
2. Driven ball service.
3. One touch finishes.