Thru Pass to Goal, #2
Thru Pass to Goal, #2

Players Required:12-16
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Set Up:
There are 12-16 players set up in the attacking third, starting at the cones. At each cone, the player on the left touches the ball thru for the player on the right, who finishes on goal. As soon as the shot is taken, the next pair can begin. The shooting order should be changed every five minutes, and the players should rotate to every position during the drill.
Coaching Points:
1. As you come in, pick your head up and watch the goalkeeper’s approach.
2. If the goalkeeper charges out, fake a shot and touch the ball past him.
3. Take your last dribble off to the side so that you can shoot to all four corners of the goal.
1. The shooter runs an overlap around the passer.